Jumat, 29 Januari 2010
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Buah semangka buah duren Nggak nyangka gue keren
Buah semangka buah manggis Nggak nyangka gue manis
Buah apel di air payau Nggak level layauuuuuuu.....
Jalan-jalan ke pasar simpang nemu sendok dipinggir empang hati siapa tak bimbang situ botak minta dikepang
Satu, dua, tiga Empat, Lima, Enam Tujuh, Delapan, Sembilan Hebat udah bisa ngitung
bunga melati bunga mawar bunga mawar bunga melati aduh pantunnya norak sekali ...
Jalan kaki ke pasar baru Jauh boooooooooooo....
Buah kedondong buah atep Dulu bencong sekarang tetep
diposting oleh The Spider @ 22.39
Tidak semua bunga bisa, Tapi mawar bisa... Tidak semua pohon bisa, Tapi kaktus bisa... Tidak semua orang bisa jadi teman yang baik, Tapi kita semua bisa...
Persahabatan seperti tangan dan mata... Bila mata menangis, Tangan pasti, akan mengusapnya... Bila tangan terbuka mata pasti akan mengeluarkan air mata... Semua tau?? seperti itulah persahabat kita...
diposting oleh The Spider @ 04.40
Kamis, 28 Januari 2010
| 2 Komentar
Kenapa kalo di komputer ada tulisan "ENTER"?? Jawab:Karena kalo tulisannya "ENTAR" loadingnya gak bakal jalan
Benarkah presiden Soekarno menjabat jadi presiden selama 5 menit?? Jawab:Benar,karena Soekarno menjabat jadi presiden selama 1825 sampai 1830
Apa persamaan kuda dengan kerbau?? Jawab:Sama-sama bukan sapi
Binatang apa yang tangannya cuma satu?? Jawab:Burung ngelamar kerjaan
Binatang apa yang hurufnya cuma satu?? Jawab:G ajah
diposting oleh The Spider @ 22.45
Dahulu,di salah satu daerah Riau ,hiduplah seorang ibu dan anak gadis cantik jelita .Gadis itu bernama Umbut Muda. Setiap hari, ibu melayani Umbut Muda seperti melayani seorang putri Raja. “Hari ini aku ingin makan telur goreng,Bu. Jangan sampai gosong ya,” pinta Umbut Muda pada suatu hari yang cerah. Ibu tersenyum sambil mengangguk. Dengan tulus, dianpergi ke kandang ayam di samping rumah dan mengambil 2butir telur yang besar. Telur-telur itu lalu dikocok barsama bumbu lalu dimasak dengan hati-hati. “Bu!!!panggil Umbut Muda tiba-tiba. “Iya…,”jawab Ibu. “Sisir Umbut dimana?” “Ibu taruh diatas maja rias. Once upon a time, in a region in Riau, lived a mother whit her beautiful daughter. The girl was called Umbud Muda.Every day, Mother served Umbut Muda as if she was a princess. “I’d like to eat fried eggs today,mother. Don’t let it burn,”asked Umbud Muda in a one fine morning. Morning smiled and nodded. Sincelery, she went to the chiken farm beside the house and took two big eggs. She mixed the eggs whit some spices and carefully cooked them. “Mother!!!”yelled Umbut Muda suddenly. “Yes…,”replied her Mother. “Where is my hair brush. “I put it near the dressing table.
Umbut Muda ingin menyisir rambut nya yang panjang terurai bagai kembang mayang.Akan tetapi,sisir itu tidak ada meski dia telah mencari nya kemana-mana. Di atas meja rias, diatas lemari, di atas kasur… “Ibuuuu!!!”suara Umbut kembali terdengar. Dengan terpogoh-pogoh, ibu mendatangi kamar Umbut Muda, “Maaf, Umbut, Ibu baru selesai menggoreng telur,” katanya . “Menggoreng telur saja lama amat!” ujar Umbut Muda tak sabar. “Carikan sisir Umbut! Awas kalau tidak ketemu! Umbut mau makan dulu,” lanjutnya dengan kasar. Ibu hanya mengangguk dan menahan dadanya yang sesak gara-gara perlakuan Umbut.
Umbut Muda wanted to brush her straight long beautiful hair. However, the hair brush cloudn’t be found though she had searched everywhere. She had searched the dressing table,the cupboard,the bed… “Mother!!!”yelled Umbut Muda again. Mother rushed into Umbut Muda’s room, “I’m sorry, Umbut, I’ve just finished cooking the fried eggs,” she said. “What took you so long?! It’s just fried eggs!” said Umbut Muda impatiently. “Go find my hair brush! You better find it! I’m going to eat,” said Umbut very rude.
Ibu pikir, sifat Umbut akan berubah setelah dia besar. Tetapi tenyata sama saja. Malah sekarang makin menjadi-jadi. Jika memikirkan hal itu, Ibu hanya bisa menangis. Ibu tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena sejak kecil Umbut dimanjakan oleh Ayahnya. Ayah Umbut adalah seorang saudagar yang kaya. Ayahnya meniggal dunia saat Umbut masih remaja. Umbut memiliki paras yang cantik jelita. Banyak yang memuji-muji kecantikan nya. Bahkan,konon, kecantikan nya terkenal hingga ke pelosok negeri dan tidak ada bandingannya. Hal membuat umbut muda semakin besar kepala, culas, dan sama sekalai tidak menghargai Ibunya.
Mother thought that Umbut’s behavior all this time would change as she grew up. But there was no change. It was getting even worse. Mother cloud only cried if she remembered it. Umbut’s mother couldn’t do anything because since Umbut was a little girl, she was spoiled by her father. Her father was a rich trader. He had passed away when Umbut was still a teenager. Umbut had a very beautiful face. Many people admired her beauty. It was even said that her beauty was well know to the whole region and no one could be compared to her. That thing made Umbut became even more big-headed, mean, and didn’t respect her mother at all
Umbut Muda tidak ingin kecantikannya ditandingi siapa pun. Karena itulah setiap hari, kerjaannya hanya menyisir rambut, berdandan, serta membeli pakaian dan perhiasan. Untunglah kekayaan yang diwarisi Ayahnya cukup banyak. Umbut tidak peduli ibunya hanya memiliki beberapa lembar pakaian. Satu kali pun dia tidak pernah membelikan Ibunya pakaian baru. Dia malah berpikir, ibunya tidak pantas menikmati harta peninggalan Ayahnya. Umbut muda juga memperlakukan ibunya seperti seorang pembantu. Setiap pagi, ibunya disuruh membersihkan rumah, menyiapkan makan, mencuci pakaian, dan sebagainya.
Umbut wanted nobody to match hair beauty. Therefor, everyday, all she did was brushing her hair, dressing, and buying many dresses and jewel ries. Fortunately, her father inherited quite a fortune. Umbut didn’t care about her mother who only had a few clothes. She never bought her mother any new clothes, not even once. Instead, she thought that her mother didn’t deserve to receive any of her father inheritance. Umbut Muda also treated her mother like a servant. Every moning, she ordered her mother to clean the house, prepare the meal, wash the laundry, and so on.
Pada waktu senggang, ibu menenun songket. Dia menerima pesanan dari para penjual songket di pasar. Dengan menenun itulah, dia mengcukupi kehidupan hidup sehari–hari. Umbut Muda tidak pernah memberikan sepeser pun harta warisan Ayahnya kepada ibunya. “Ibu kenapa masih menenun? bukankah harta warisan Ayah sangat banyak?”begitu jawabnya. Sebetulnya dalam hati, ibu menangis. Tetapi, dia mencoba untuk tegar. Semua dia lakukan untuk kebaikan keluarganya dan juga Umbut Muda.
In her spare time, Umbut’s mother weaved songket. She accepted orders from songket traders in the market. By weaving, she could meet her daily needs. Umbut Muda never gave her any pence of the inheritance. “Why do you still weave, Ma’am? Your husband inherited a lot of fortune, right?” asked an attentive neighbor. Umbut Muda’s mother just shook her head, “weaving is my preoccupation. So I can’t just leaveit,”she said. Actually, she was crying inside. But she tried be tough. She did it all for her family and Umbut Muda’s sake.
Suatu ketika, Umbut Muda meminta ibunya untuk memtik mangga di depan rumahnya yang sudah ranum. Karena tidak punys alat untuk mengambilnya, ibu memanjat pohon itu. Apa yang terjadi kemudian? Sebelum ibunya berhasil mengambil salah satu buahnya, ibu terejatuh. Bukannya ditolong, dia malah dimarahi. “Memetik mangga saja jatuh,”kata Umbut Muda.”Makanya,malekukan apa pun itu harus ikhlas.Itulah hukuman untuk orang tua yang tidak pernah ikhlas malakukan sesuatu untuk anaknya!”sambungnya dengan amat menyakitkan. Air mata ibu terus menetes, tetapi cepat-cepat dihapusnya. Dia tidak memedulikan perkataan Umbut Muda. Dia kembali naik ke pohon mangga dan memetik beberapa buah mangga untuk putrinya.
Once,Umbut Muda asked her mother to pick mango from the mango tree in front of their house. Because there was no tool to get it, she climbed the tree. What happened next? before she could pick one of the fruit, she fell down. Instead of healping, Umbut was scolding her mother. “how could you fell down for just picking a mango,”said Umbut Muda. “That’s why you have to do anything sincerely. That’s the punishment for a parent who something insincerelyfor her daughter!”Umdut said roughly. There were tears in mother’s eyes,but she quikly wiped it out. She ignored Umbut Muda’s words. She climbed the tree again and picked some mangos for her daughter.
Suatu hari,seorang putri salah satu bangsawan di daerah tempat tinggal Umbut Muda menikah. Umbut Muda yang terkenal tentu saja mendapat undangan. “ibu pakai baju ini,” kata Umbut Muda. “ibu tidak perlu berpakaian yang bagus. Cukup pakai kebaya,selendang pelangi,dan kain batik kendah ini.ibu akan menjadi tukang payung Umbut,”lanjut nya panjang lebar. Ibu hanya mengangguk dan mengenakan apa yang di perintah Umbut Muda. Sementara itu, Umbut Muda mengenakan pakaian paling bagus yang terbuat dari sutra paling halus, paling mahal, dan paling baik kualitas nya.dia berdandan bagaikan putrid raja. Untuk melengkapi busananya, Umbut Muda mengenakan segala macan perhiasan yang di miliki nya.Sungguh sangat berbeda dengan ibu nya
One day, there was daughter of a noble family in that region who would get married. The famous Umbut Muda was surely invited. “you wear these, mother,”said Umbut Muda. “you don’t need to dress in beautiful clothes. Just wear this kebaya, rainbow scarf, and kedah fabric. You be my umbrella lady,” explained Umbut. Her mother just nodded and wore what Umbut Muda had chosen for her. Meanwhile, Umbut Muda wore the smoothest, most expensive, best quality silk clothes. She dressed as if she was a princess. To fit out dress, she wore all of her jewelries. Her appearance was so different front her mother.
“Bu,bagaimana penampilan Umbut?” Tanya Umbut Muda. “kamu cantik sekali.Ibu yakin,tidak ada yang secantik kamu,Umbut,”jawab ibu. Umbut tersenyum senang. Rona merah langsung menghiasi kedua belah pipi nya.Dia semakin yakin dengan penampilan nya. Pasti takkan ada orang yang menandingi kecantikan ku,pikir nya. “ Kalau begitu kita berangkat sekarang,”sekarang kata Umbut Muda beberapa saat kemudian.
“How do I look,mother?” Umbut Muda asked. “you’re so beautiful. I’m sure there’s no one who look as beautiful as you, Umbut,” her mother answered. Umbut smiled happily. She was instantly blushing. She became more confident whit her appearance. I’m sure no one is as beautiful as me, she said in his mind. “all right then, we will go now,”said Umbut Muda shortly after.
Umbut Muda makin terlihat cantik saat berjalan.Dia berjalan di depan,sementara ibunya berjalan di belakang sambil memanyungi. panyung biru muda yang di penuhi rumbai itu berhias manik-manik kaca buatan Cina. Semua yang melihat Umbut Muda berdecak kagum. Apalagi mereka mendapat senyum manis dari Umbut Muda. “Bu,jalan nya agak cepat sedikit. Nanti terlambat,” kata Umbut Muda pelan. “Iya,”jawab ibu. Tangannya agak keberatan karena membawa payung. “Ingat ya,Bu,nanti jangan mengaku sebagai ibu Umbut. Ibu harus mengaku sebagai tukang payung Umbut,” sekali lagi Umbut Muda mengingatkan. “Iya.” Jawab Ibu.
Umbut Muda looked even more beautiful when she walked. She walked in the front, while her mother walked behind her and hold the umbrella.The blue tasseled umbrella was ornamented with Chinese sequins. Everybody who saw Umbut Muda was impressed.especially when Umbut Muda smliled at them. “Mother, walk faster.We can’t belate,”Umbut Muda murmured. “Yes,”answered her mother. Her hand wash a bith shaky because of the weight of the umbrella. “Remember, mother, don’t claim yourself as my mother.you should claim yourself as my umbrella lady,”once again Umbut Muda reminded her. “okay.”
Umbut Muda dan ibunya melewati jembatan diatas Sungai Siak. Jembatan itu sangat sempit. Dia berjalan pelan-pelan, di ikuti ibunya yang tetap memayunginya. Tetap di tengah-tengah jembatan, tiba-tiba saja 4 gelang yang di kenakan Umbut Muda terlepas dan jatuh ke sungai. Umbut Muda menjerit. “Bu,ambilkan gelang-gelang Umbut!”ujar Umbut Muda. Ibu melongok ke bawah. Arus sungai mengalir dengan sangat deras. “Ayo, Bu. Nanti keburu terbawa arus!”rengek Umbut. “Arus sungai sangat deras, Nak. Ibu tidak berani,”kata ibu Umbut Muda. “Tapi, Bu, itu gelang mahal. Ibu harus menolong Umbut!” Ibu Umbut hanya terdiam menyaksikan gelang yang semakin jauh terbawa arus.
Umbut Muda and her mother crossed a bridge over Siak Riav. The brigde was really narrow.she stepped slowly, followed by her mother who still hold the umbrella. Right in the middle of the bridge,suddenly four bracelets in Umbut Muda ‘s wrist loose and fell into the river. Umbut Muda screamed. “Mother,please go get my bracelets!” said Umbut Muda. Her mother leant over the river. The current was steaming swiftly. “Go on, mother.Before they are drifted!”cried Umbut. “The current is very swift, Darling. I ‘m not brave enogh,” Umbut Muda’s mother said. “But mother,those bracelets were expensive. You’ve got to help me!” Umbut Muda’s mother was just starting at the bracelets that were drifted farther
Melihat ibu yang hanya menatap sungai, Umbut Muda sangat marah. Lalu dengan tampa perasaan, dia merebut payung dari tangan ibu nya dan mendorong ibu nya ke sungai. “Umbuuut!!!” jerit ibu ketika terjun ke sungai. Plung! Blep! Ibu sekarang benar-benar berada di sungai dan terbawa arys. Dia mencoba berenang,tetapi tidak bias. “Ibu harus ambilkan gelang Umbut. Sebelum ketemu, ibu tidak boleh keluar dari sungai !” teriak Umbut amat kasar. Ibu terlihat timbul tenggelam di permainkan arus sungai. Boro-boro mau mencari gelang, untuk menolong dirinya pun tidak bisa. Akan tetapi, Umbut tidak peduli. Dia terus berteriak menyuruh Ibunya mensari gelang-gelang nya.
Seeing her mother was just staring at the river, it drove Umbut Muda mad. Then ruthressly, she grabbed the umbrella in mother’s hand and pushed her mother into the river. “Umbut!!”cried her mother as she fallen down. Blung!Blep! her mother was now in the river and rifted. She tried to swim, but she cloudn’t. “you got to find my bracelets. Until then, you can’t come out of the river!” yelled Umbut ruthlessly. Her mother was floating around, played by the current. She cloudn’t even swim, let alone find.
Saat itulah, angin puting beliung datang dari arah belakang. Angin itu dating begitu saja dan bergulung-gulung munyelimuti Umbut Muda. “Tolooong! Tolooong!” Umbut Muda berpegangan pada tepian jembatan. Dia sangat ketakutan. Semakin keras Umbut Muda meminta tolong, semakin kencang pula angin putting beliung itu menyelimutinya. “Tolooong! Tolooong!” satu per satu perhiasan yang dikenakan Umbut Muda terlepas.Dari mulai mutiara yang dikenakan di kepalnya, kalung, gelang, ronce di kedua kaki nya, dan juga cicin di jari tangan nya. Sekarang,keadaa Umbut Muda sudah tidak karuan. Dia terus meminta tolong, tetapi angin puting beliung itu tidak mau melepaskan nya.
At the moment, there came a hurricane from behind. the hurricane came all of a sudden and twisted over Umbut Muda. “Heeelp! Heeelp!” Umbut Muda was holding on the bridge rail. She was terribly scared. The louder she cried for help, the tighter the hurricane trwisted over her. “Heeelp! Heeelp!” her jewelries flew everywhere one by one. Started from the pearl in her head, her necklace, bracelets, foot rings, and also the rings on her fingers. She was now all messed up. She kept crying for help, but the hurricane didn’t let her go.
Tenaga Umbut Muda akhirnya habis. Cengkraman tangan nya terlepas dari tepian jembatan. Dengan sangat cepat, angin putting beliung membawanya terbang. Ia seperti di seret-seret ke udara. Setelah itu, Umbut Muda terlempar ke sungai. Angin puting beliung bersama dengan arus sungai yang deras melemparkan badan nya kesana kemari. Sementara itu, ibu Umbut Muda seperti diangkat puting beliung ke atas dan didudukan di atas batu. Ibu Umbut Muda tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Ia hanya bisa menyaksikan anak kesayangan nya yang dipermainkan angin puting beliung. Dia hanya bisa berdoa supaya anak kesayangan nya bisa selamat yaitu Umbut Muda.
Her energy was finally used up. Her grip was detached of the bridge rail. Very quickly, the hurricane flew her away. She was like dragged around on the air. After that, Umbut Muda was thrown into the river. Together with the stream, she was rolled everywhere by the hurricane. Meanwhile, her mother was lifted and put in the stone easily as if it was done by the hurricane. She couldn’t do anything. She could only watch her beloved daughter rolled forward and backward by the hurricane. She could only prayed that Umbut Muda could survive.
“Ibuuu… tolooong!” itulah kalimat terakhir Umbut Muda. Saat itu, dia tengah digulung oleh angin puting beliung bersama lumpur sungai. Nafas nya amat sesak. Ibu tidak tahan melihat penderitaan Umbut Muda. Ia menutupi matanya dengan kedua tangan nya. Saat matanya terbuka kembali, Umbut Muda sudah tak bernyawa. Saat itulah, kedua mata sayu sang ibu meneteskan air mata. Hingga sekarang, sering terlihat akar-akaran berwarna hitam sedang di permainkan arus Sungi Siak. Pemandangan itu dipercayai penduduk setempat sebagai rambut Umbut Muda. Terkadang, angin puting beliung yang menggulung-gulung juga muncul diatas sungai. Ini menjadi peringatran bagi masyarakat setempat untuk selalu menghormati seorang Ibu. Nah,apa kalian ingin mengikuti jejak Umbut Muda? Kalau aku, sama sekali tidak! Karena itulah,aku selalu menghormati ibuku.
“mother… heeelp!” that was Umbut Muda’s last sentence. At the time, she was rolled by the hurricane and the river mud. She was out of breath. Her mother couldn’t stand to watch her suffer. She covered her eyes with her hands. When she opened her eyes again, Umbut Muda was already dead. At thet moment, tears rolled down her cheeks. Up until now, there often appear some kind of black root that was played by the stream of Siak River. Locals belived that it was Umbut Muda’s hair. Sometimes, there also appeared hurricane twisted over the river. This was taken as a reminder for the people nearby to always respect mother. Well, do you want to be like Umbut Muda? If you ask me, I absolutely don’t want to be like her.
Lidia Faiza Jasmine… “sebuah lagenda dari Jambi Thank you, sumber: little serambi kepulauan Riau”
diposting oleh The Spider @ 22.41
Exploring Shapes With Vidi
Kamis, 21 Januari 2010
| 2 Komentar
After flying trough the desert all day, Vidi finally reached a town. “It’s so hot,” said Vidi. He, then, took shelter in a mosque. Vidi noticed the many different shapes of the building. The floor was a rectangle, the pillars were straight, and there were triangular frames. The ceiling was curved. Pelican was calling his friends, “Let’s cool of in the fountain,” she shouted. There was a man sitting by the fountain. “Hello there,” greeted Vidi. “May I wash my face in here?” “Please, help yourself,” replied the man “Are you the keeper of this mosque?” asked Vidi. “No, I am the King’s servant. My name is Anton,” replied the man. “The King has asked me to solve his dream.” “Vidi was interested and wanted to help. “Last night he dreamed of puzzles,” continued Anton. “If I can solve those puzzles, the King will reward me.” “First, the King dreamed of a long, straight line,” said Anton. “This line is found in the desert and it has many people passing trough it.” “Let’s go find it,” said Vidi to his friends. “I have a flying carpet,” said Anton “We could all ride on it.” They flew across the desert and saw many lines. “Look, the cables are straight lines!” said Sparrow. “So is the oil pipe,” said Pelican, “but no one passes trough them.” “The camels are also in a line,” noticed Eagle. Vidi and hos friends saw a long road. “That’s it!” said Vidi excitedly. “The road is a straight line with people passing trough it. The answer to the puzzle is a road.” “That was quite easy,” said Anton. “Let’s look at the second puzzle.The King dreamed of an object in the shape of rectangle. This rectangle can tell stories.” “Tell stories?” interrupted Vidi’ “Yes, but it can’t move and it has no sounds,” continued Anton. They flew to the city. “The walls and windows of buildings are all rectangle,” said Sparrow, “but they can’t tell stories.” “Rugs are also rectangles,” said Eagle, “but they can’t tell stories either.” Then Vidi and his friends flew down. They saw children reading some books in the park. “This story is really good,” said a boy. He was showing his friend a book. “There is the rectangle that can tell stories,” said Vidi. “The answer to the second puzzle is a book.” “We have already solved two puzzles,” said Anton. “Here is the third puzzle. The King dreamed of a circle, which can tell me time.” “That must be a clock,” interrupted Sparrow. “No,” said Anton. “The circle also indicates the east and the west, and it helps us see.” They went into a sport shop. “A compass points to the east and the west,” said Vidi. “And spectacles help us see better. But they can’t tell time! This puzzle is difficult.” I was gretting dark, and everyone was tired. Soon they went to sleep. “Wake up, everyone!” shouted Pelican. “It must be six o’clock because the sun is up.” “How do you know it’s six o’clock?” asked Vidi. “Look towards the east,” said Pelican. “That’s it!” said Vidi. “The sun is the answer to the third puzzle. It shoms direction and time, and provides us with light, to help us see.” So, the third puzzle was also solved. “We’re almost done,” said Anton. “Here is the last puzzle. Listen carefully. There are four triangles that are connected to one another. Beneath these triangles lies a king who has slept for a long time. They saw lots of triangles. “The bridge’s posts are triangular,” said Sparrow. “But a king wouldn’t sleep under a bridge.” “The boat’s sail is also a triangle,” said Eagle. “Perhaps a king would sleep in a boat?” “But the boat only has one triangle,” replied Pelican. Soon they reached Egypt, and they saw a very big structure. “What is that?” asked Vidi. “It has four walls, and each wall is a triangle.” “That’s the answer to our last puzzle!” said Anton. “The Egyptian pyramid has a king’s mummy lying inside its structure.” Anton laughed with relief. “Our task is over,” said Anton. “Let’s tell the King. We will be rewarded.” “What a pity!” said Vidi. “We can’t go with you. We want to travel around the world and must continue our journey. Goodbye and please send our respects to His Majesty.”
(Sumber: Tira Pustaka)
diposting oleh The Spider @ 22.33
Sahabat……………………. Kau menghibur ku di saat ku sedih….. Kau teman di saat senang……
Kau adalah teman yang baik Gaya bicara dan cerita mu membuat aku tertawa.
Hari ini tak berarti… Karena dikau tidak berada di sisiku…………..
Salam Manis… Tiara Putri Alyfia
diposting oleh The Spider @ 22.23
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